Monday, April 30, 2007

Cassie Chandler -- values

Rienhold Niebuhr once said, "God gives us grace to accept with serenity the things that can not be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." Courage can be many different things depending on who you ask. To me it's to confront what fears you the most. To the dictionary it's mental or moral strength to venture, perservere snd withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. The word courage comes the Latin word Car, which means more at heart. Next was Old French Cier, which means heart. After that was Middle English courage and the now Courage. Here is courage in 3 different languages:
Spanish- Valor
Italian- Coraggio
Korean- Yong Gi
When you read the "Giver", Jonas used courage all through the book. He used it when he was being trained to recieve every good and bad memory in the world. He also used it when he took Gabe the night before he was going to be released or killed. On the internet there are many sites devoted to courage. The first i found was, It said" Courage , and aposalate of the Roman Catholic Church who ministers to those with the same sex attractions and their loved ones."The Second was, This courage center offers comprehensive rehab services for people of all ages and abilities. The third was, It said that over the past 30 years american culture has defined courage down. The fourth was, This site helps the teachers explain and show courage. The fith and final was, It talked about the courage to insist that their mainstream values. Courage is an universal word. It's used evryday and in everyway it can be

Monday, April 23, 2007

Jeffery Campos Lemus


Courage an old french word used as inner strength, M.E used it as bravery, wrath, pride. Courage means the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain without fear; bravery.
In the whale rider the little girl road the whale, in the giver Jounes took the baby from a twisted society, these are examples of how an author uses courage in their storys. people well known use the word courage in quote
Edward Albert
"courage is just fear, plus prayers, and understanding,"

James Van Alen
"I think we need someone in a possible political position to have the courage to say, lets terminate humen space flight",

Vittario Alfieri
"ofttine the test of courage secondes rather to like them to die."

The website where I found courage is braintanote marrian webster. The word courage in french is "corage", in italion "fibra", in spanish "valor".

Friday, April 13, 2007

Nayely Sapien

Search-a-Word (values)
What is courage all about? Courage is mental, physical and moral strength to
combat, dare and endure danger, fear or difficulty. A person standing up to
somthing or someone involving danger and fear. The word "courage" is neither Latin nor Greek. it's Medievel Old French, meaning "heart and spirit". In Spanish courage translates to valor, avoir du in french and my>kectbo in Russian.
Moral courage more than physical courage is generally regarded as following one owns thoughts and ethics, in which it can result in an isolation from family and co-workers.
Civil courage also known as Social courage is usually referred to when the general public stand up to some issue that is wrong, evil and unfair, even though the consequences can lead to injury and even their own death.
In "The Giver", the author uses courage to demonstrate how Jonas becoming the new up coming Giver, gets the courage to run away from the community taking with him Gabriel. They both escape the community to find the Elsewhere. he runs away knowing that the consequences can become fatal to those left in the community, once he is gone all of the memories that were transmitted to him will be left to the civilians. Jonas gets the courage from all of the issues that were surrounding him first, finding out what release really is, that his dad does not have any feelings and so on.
Quotes with the meaning of courage is means alot to people whose life needs a little push to stand up to the issue they keep inside:
  • "To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage."

-Lao Tzu

  • "Courage, brother! do not stumble; though my path be dark as night, there's a star to guide the humble, trust in God and do the right."

-Norman Macleod

  • "You gain strength, courage and confidence be every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along ....You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

Moral Courage. A White Paper.

A website Defining what moral courage is.

Julio Roman

The word "Obligation" as defined in the dictionary says, something such as a formal contract, promise or a demand, custom otherwise known as something you have to do. The origins of the word trace back to latin during 1250-1300AD said, "Obligatus". Every culture has this word just spelled differently. Like in Czech said, Povin'nust, in Spanish, Obligatorio. Last but not least in German said, Die Verpfinchtung.
I here are a couple of quotes said by some famous people that have used the word "Obligation".
  • Al Sharpton- "The U.S goverment has the Obligation to educate all young people in the country".

  • Hillary Clinton- "Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral Obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process".

  • Arnold Schwarzagger- "Goverment's 1st duty and highest Obligation is public safty".

I also have some internet sites that use the word too, some in a different ways also.

  • WWW.Catholic.Com- Using the word to tell people not to lose there famliy roots, that they have to, because its who they are.

  • WWW.GI.Gov.Com-This site uses the word to inform men that it is obligatory to serve in the military in some countries.

  • WWW.DTI.GOV.UK.Com- Which states that,"The goverment has the obligation to pay back the principle to the debt holders".

A story that I have read called," shooting an Elepant". I'm going straight to the point. There's is guy in a small village that is going to shoot an elepant. They say in the village that the elepant is going crazy and distroying things. He's not the animal is just walking around the village thats all. So this guy takes out a gun to shoot the elepant and stop it. He really does'nt want to shoot the elepant but almost the whole town is watching him,Thats why he cant stop he already pull out the gun now he has the obligation to shoot it. If he does not kill it now the town is going to think thats he is weak and scared. He does'nt want that, its even harder because he's white and the village is not. He cares what the people say about him. So he shoots the elepant for a stupid reason. He shoots is and nothing happen the animal is dead and the village people leave and thats is its over. I say whats the point in that nothing. Just minutes after I think he has the same reaction as I just said. He regrets shooting it but its to late its done.

The word "Obligation" is used in many ways and thoughts. But threw out history, it still retains the same meaning.

Julio Roman

The word "Obligation" as defined in the dictionary says, something such as a formal contract, promise or a demand, custom otherwise known as something you have to do. The origins of the word trace back to latin during 1250-1300AD said, "Obligatus". Every culture has this word just spelled differently. Like in Czech said, Povin'nust, in Spanish, Obligatorio. Last but not least in German said, Die Verpfinchtung.
I here are a couple of quotes said by some famous people that have used the word "Obligation".
  • Al Sharpton- "The U.S goverment has the Obligation to educate all young people in the country".

  • Hillary Clinton- "Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral Obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process".

  • Arnold Schwarzagger- "Goverment's 1st duty and highest Obligation is public safty".

I also have some internet sites that use the word too, some in a different ways also.

  • WWW.Catholic.Com- Using the word to tell people not to lose there famliy roots, that they have to, because its who they are.

  • WWW.GI.Gov.Com-This site uses the word to inform men that it is obligatory to serve in the military in some countries.

  • WWW.DTI.GOV.UK.Com- Which states that,"The goverment has the obligation to pay back the principle to the debt holders".

A story that I have read called," shooting an Elepant". I'm going straight to the point. There's is guy in a small village that is going to shoot an elepant. They say in the village that the elepant is going crazy and distroying things. He's not the animal is just walking around the village thats all. So this guy takes out a gun to shoot the elepant and stop it. He really does'nt want to shoot the elepant but almost the whole town is watching him,Thats why he cant stop he already pull out the gun now he has the obligation to shoot it. If he does not kill it now the town is going to think thats he is weak and scared. He does'nt want that, its even harder because he's white and the village is not. He cares what the people say about him. So he shoots the elepant for a stupid reason. He shoots is and nothing happen the animal is dead and the village people leave and thats is its over. I say whats the point in that nothing. Just minutes after I think he has the same reaction as I just said. He regrets shooting it but its to late its done.

The word "Obligation" is used in many ways and thoughts. But threw out history, it still retains the same meaning.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dulce Ruiz

As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can; by making the best choices, by making the most of the talents we've been given.
-Mary Lou

Every choice you make has an end result.
-zig ziglar defines Choices as: The act of choosing; selection.
I define it as self decisions.

The translation of the word choice in Spanish is Opicion. In Italian it is scelta. In French it would be Choix.

The history of its use has always been the same, even back in C.1300 when the word was originated. C.1300 from .O. Fr. chois, from v. choisir" to choose," from a Gmc. source (cf. Gothic *Kausian " to taste, test"), from P. Gmc. base * Kaus-, Keus-, Replaced O.E. cyre.

I found four websites on the word Choice. The first three were on and the fourth one that i found was on clothes .

In our world we know we have the freedom to choose. On the other hand in the story The Giver, they don't have choices. they live in a community based on routines and rules.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Daneil Willock


Death. What is it? Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary definition states that Death is “a permanent cessation of all vital function: end of life.” In a mythological sense Death is “the destroyer of life represented usually as a skeleton with a scythe.” Many words origins are based on an older language than ours. Death for example came from the Old Norse word ‘deyja’ and then was adopted by a Gothic language into the form ‘dauthus’, from there it went to an Old English form ‘death’, second to last it last it became a Mid. English term ‘deeth’. Then finally to the modern word ‘Death’.

Throughout the second semester of my senior year my class and I had the privilege to read an assortment of material. A few of them were “Shooting an Elephant”, “Shakespeare’s Sister”, as well as “The Whale Rider”, and The Giver. In “Shooting an Elephant” a man had been trampled to death by an elephant, and a police man had to kill the elephant. In “Shakespeare’s Sister” it talks about a made up sister that was supposed to be a sibling of Shakespeare. It tells about how the women, after a while, who commits suicide due to that in Old English times women were not supposed to be writers or actresses. She would get feed up with not getting the recognition for her writings. In “The Whale Rider”, a movie, a little girl was part of a way of life, similar to Shakespeare’s sister. She had prayed to her god to send help on a particular matter. It leads up to a little more than a dozen whales being beached. They were dieing until the little girl mounted on top the lead whale which signaled for the other whales to head towards the ocean again. She went out to sea on the whale where she had almost died. And in The Giver Jonas, the main character, witnessed the release of a twin, which means the twin was put to death. Some say that he (Jonas) died at the end of the book when it left off with Jonas one of the memories or was in it.

I researched several sites for the word Death. I came up with five websites. is a website that is supposed to be able to calculate the time of a person’s death. is a site that talks about death as well as rituals. is a site that is all about death metal music. is about near-death experiences and the afterlife. is about anything death related.

Researching online lead me to a site about Edgar Allen Poe. In my opinion Poe is somewhat fascinated with death. Looking through several of his works, I found a particular stanza that interested me the most. It is written like:
“How shall the ritual be read?
The requiem how sung by you
By yours, the evil eye,
By the slanderous tongue
That did to death the innocence that died,
And died so young.”
This interested me the most because it’s hard so believe that children can die at only an early age, and not being able to experience life to its fullest.

Daneil Willock


Death. What is it? Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary definition states that Death is “a permanent cessation of all vital function: end of life.” In a mythological sense Death is “the destroyer of life represented usually as a skeleton with a scythe.” Many words origins are based on an older language than ours. Death for example came from the Old Norse word ‘deyja’ and then was adopted by a Gothic language into the form ‘dauthus’, from there it went to an Old English form ‘death’, second to last it last it became a Mid. English term ‘deeth’. Then finally to the modern word ‘Death’.
Throughout the second semester of my senior year my class and I had the privilege to read an assortment of material. A few of them were “Shooting an Elephant”, “Shakespeare’s Sister”, as well as “The Whale Rider”, and The Giver. In “Shooting an Elephant” a man had been trampled to death by an elephant, and a police man had to kill the elephant. In “Shakespeare’s Sister” it talks about a made up sister that was supposed to be a sibling of Shakespeare. It tells about how the women, after a while, who commits suicide due to that in Old English times women were not supposed to be writers or actresses. She would get feed up with not getting the recognition for her writings. In “The Whale Rider”, a movie, a little girl was part of a way of life, similar to Shakespeare’s sister. She had prayed to her god to send help on a particular matter. It leads up to a little more than a dozen whales being beached. They were dieing until the little girl mounted on top the lead whale which signaled for the other whales to head towards the ocean again. She went out to sea on the whale where she had almost died. And in The Giver Jonas, the main character, witnessed the release of a twin, which means the twin was put to death. Some say that he (Jonas) died at the end of the book when it left off with Jonas one of the memories or was in it.
I researched several sites for the word Death. I came up with five websites. is a website that is supposed to be able to calculate the time of a person’s death. is a site that talks about death as well as rituals. is a site that is all about death metal music. is about near-death experiences and the afterlife. is about anything death related.
Researching online lead me to a site about Edgar Allen Poe. In my opinion Poe is somewhat fascinated with death. Looking through several of his works, I found a particular stanza that interested me the most. It is written like:
“How shall the ritual be read?
The requiem how sung by you
By yours, the evil eye,
By the slanderous tongue
That did to death the innocence that died,
And died so young.”
This interested me the most because it’s hard so believe that children can die at only an early age, and not being able to experience life to its fullest.