Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Alejandro saldana

Search A Word

The word that I picked up to define is courage. The definition for courage is to state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicisstudes with self-possesion and resolution. My own definition for courage is you are to do anything with out fear or scared. the origin for courage came from Old French. Three languages for courage is in spanish-valores, Middle English-corage, Latin-cor. The history of its use is that it came from Old French and it started to spread out and people saying it.
I used the word in a movie that is called Whale Rider. Its a movie about a little girl rides a whale and that she does everything behind her grandpas back. The grandpa dont want her to get involve what the boys are doing. I think that she has courage to ride on a whale and do everything behind her grandpas back. I used the word in a book called The giver. The book is all about when a little boy could get memorys from the giver and that he had courage to get pain from the memorys that the giver gived him and I think he had courage for that.
Thier were some Internet Sights that they had the word . The first one was www.clomedia.com and the senyence was courage is a big word when was the lats time you alttered the word or said now thats courage. The other internet sight is www.siriusdog.com tthe setence before we get into the description of how the courage test is performed and why it is needed, you should know some thing about were in coming from. The last internet sight that i saw is www.amazon.com the sentence was the language of courage and inner strength: A wonderful gift to inspiring thoughts.
The quotes that i found in the internet was the author named Ambrose Redmoon and his quote said courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something esle is more important than fear. The second author is Andre Gide and his quote says man cannot discover, men oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the share. The third author is Carl Herman Voss his quote says courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage also what it takes to sit down and listen. The fourth author is Corra Harris and his quote says the barrest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.
The word that I choosed was that my family had courage to do anything. My family has not been affraid of anything like getting in to fights or doing something. At the other hand is that i am a friendly guy but if some one is talking stuff at me i need to do something or he will be calling me some stuff and i will not like it. It had been in my history becuase my grandpa had courage becuase he ran away from the cpos and any thing he ran for. I picked this word becuase i wanted to tell you how i wrote the word and wrote all about it.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Edgar Renteria values

I have done a research on the word duty. These are my findings.

The actual definition of Duty is Assigned service or business, Active military service. On the other hand, my definition for duty is Any kind of assignment or Military service.

In the story the giver you can find elements of the word duty it is a place where every person has a job or responsibility which means duty. They get their duty when they turn twelve. some jobs are harder and more important than others. Their world is black and white.

I have found the word duty twice in a magazine, Times, it was some titles of an article. The first title was "Is it a duty to obey the law?" The second title was "Do your duty."

I have found a few quotes that reflect duty, one of them is "Love can do much, but duty more" and the second "Without duty life is sort of boneless, it cannot hold itself together." last but not least "Their is no duty so much underrated as the duty of being happy."

I found Five internet sites that use the word duty. 1. Callofduty.com it is used to describe a video game. 2. Dutyelectric.com it is the duty of an electrician. 3. Active-duty.com it is used to describe the duties of the military. 4. Monitorduty.com its a comic book thing. 5. Nationalprivatedutyassosiation.com it is about the private government possitions.

These are duty in diferent languages. In dutch its Plicht, in french its Devoir, in spanish its Deber, and in German its Aufgabe.

Karina Ramirez


My definition for courage is someone who uses their mental strength to overcome their own fear and pushes themselves. The book definition says courage is the mental strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. I really think that courage is a big part of a person because without courage many people would not be doing what they are doing today. For example, many people have courage to go fight in the wars and have the guts to go out there and kill a person that they do not know.
There are two kinds of courage. The first one is moral courage which means frequently regarded as courage in following one’s own ethics. The second one is civil courage is civilian stand up against something that is deemed unjust and evil knowing that their death, injury, or any other negative effect. I did not know there were to but I guess that anyone may have one courage instead of the two courage’s there is.
The big thing that really proved that Jonas has courage is when he left town with Gabe. He had the courage to take Gave even though it was not part of the plan. They each had to go through pain and cold times on the snow without any food or clothing support. All they had were memories and each other. Neither of them gave up even though they thought they were not going to make it.
A Quote that really caught my eye is by Eddie Ricken Backer:
Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do.
There can be no courage unless you’re scared.

The origin of the word courage is neither Greek nor Latin, its medieval old French meaning heart and spirit. In Dutch courage can be a lion. The word for courage in three other languages is:
Spanish- tener valor
Dutch- moed
Italian- bravoure

Monday, May 21, 2007

Katrine Schoen


A permanent cessation of all vital functions: The end of all life. Sounds rather morbid does it not? The way it promotes ghastly thoughts and plots of murder. The vivid images of slaughtered corpses. Maybe even the typical graveyard scene with headstones that state the individual’s gory demise. Destined never to see the light of day for the rest of eternity. And who else better to assist the said damned than the old bone man himself, Death. The skeleton shrouded in a cloak of night that carries a scythe.
Death isn’t such a bad thing though, or, at least not it’s history and how it has helped shape literature and inspired authors.
The history of how the word came to be isn’t as morbid though. Death was an
Old Norse word, ‘Deyjah’ that was adopted by the gothic language as ‘dauthus’. It was soon turned into ‘death’ by the Old English language which has stayed throughout history and is still used in today’s modern language.
Many authors have been inspired by death and have incorporated it into their writings. Take for example “Shakespeare’s Sister”; at the end of the story, the main character committed suicide due to her failure in life to become an actress / writer during the Elizabethan era. Or, “The Giver” where the second twin was released from the community by euthanasia. Or, better yet, the dying soldier on the battle field.
“My next step was to look for the beast which was the cause of so much wretchedness: for I had at length, firmly resolved to put it to death” – E.A. Poe; Black
As you can see, the use of this word has widely varied. But, unlike its victims, it has not reached rigormortis; but continues to live.