Friday, January 19, 2007

Karen Monrreal

The following essay is about how a person is put in a certain situation that can change ur life forever. Either by a dream they want to acomplish or simply by their destiny. The person goes through different stages which are called the hero's journey. This journey is about a man named Chuck, who was stuck in an island for 1500 days. Which in my opinion is a real hero, he went through all the stages of the hero's journey.
The separation for chuck was when he made the choice of getting out of the car and into the plane. The reason he had of going which is the calling was that he wanted to deliver the FedEx packages. The moment Chuck decided to leave was his threashold, beacause he could of stayed instead he left. In Chucks case the descent was when the plane fell, he did not know what was going to happen next.In my opinion what happened to Chuck was just destiny because otherwise if he would of stayed nothing would of happened to him.
Chuck's initiation was when he found himself a mentor, a friend. His name was Wilsonand he was a volleyball. His abyss was that he didn't know what was going to happen to him, wether he was going to be rescued or if he was going to die. His mentor, Wilson helped him even though it was just a volleyball Chuck would talk to him. Then after Chuck understood that in order to get rescued he had to do something himself, and he did he made a raft that was his transformation. I think that Chuck was really brave to get on that raft because he didn't know what could of happen to him.
When Chuck returned everyone was shocked, everyone thought that he had died they even buried him. When he caqme back everything was diffferent he found out that Kelley the love of his life was married and had a daughter. Chuck was very mature and understood that he had lost and just let her go. He understood what had happened and did not try to fight what was done. For me taht was very brave of his part because he let the love of his life go and make a life of her own.
In this paper I talked about Chuck, how he went through all the different stages and at the end he made himself a better person. He went through all different stages that most people don't go through. He stayed alive for the love of his life Kelly only to find out that she was already married. Chuck completed the hero's journey because at the end he changed and he changed for good. I really admire Chuck because he fought for Kelley and at the end he let her go for the happiness of her daughter.

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