Friday, January 19, 2007

Larry Smith

A Hero"s journey is an adventure where a hero has learned a lesson, or has done something for others. Chuck Noland is a character in the movie Cast Away. He was supposed to take a trip, when his plane crashes on an island. The character has trouble leaving the island after so many years. in my opinion, i agree to take the trip, because he didn't think that it would change life forever.

Chuck Noland is seperarted from his home, family, and girl friend. He receives a phone call, saying that needed to go on a trip to delivery packages around christmas. When getting out of the car with his girl friend, he hesitates a little. on the island, he struggles in the beginning to survive. He was brave, and looked at everything surrounding him.

The initiation of the story is when Chuck lands on the island. He had used leaves to start a fire, wood to build a boat, an unopened package as his motavation, and the fish and crab in the water as food. A volly ball named willson was his mentor and his best friend.During the four years, that he was stuck on the island, he started to change color. Chuck was no stronger with wilson by his side.

Chuck Noland is a FedEx system engeineer, who was supposed to take a trip, when his plane crashes. he provided for himself no matter what the situation was. He stayed strong throughout his experience. Chuck Noland created a life life for himself that many people cannot do. H is a hero to him self because he learned how to protect and sopport him self in nature.

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