Friday, January 19, 2007

Mayra N. Sierra-Ruiz

A Hero’s Journey

Our story begins with the Hero’s Journey. In, how a man ends up in a deserted island, and his struggles for survival. In this journey we find Chuck Noland who is a hard and devoted worker in the business of FedEx. He completes the hero’s journey with an amazing adventure for survival.
Chuck is flying out to South America for an emergency shipment. He sees that he has to leave when the holiday season came. Chuck has to leave his family and is beloved girlfriend. However, he is ambitions about his work and leaves. On his way there a storm breaks out. Turbulence makes the plane crash in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. At, this point we see Chuck already fighting for life or death. He some how makes it to be the only one that survives the crash. The rest of the crew dies and disappears in the ocean. Chuck made it safely threw a near by island near the accident. As, he looked desperately for supplies and food he began his journey into the unknown island.
As, four years pass he now learned and mastered the basics into surviving. During, the four years he’s been there, he has been going complete insane. Since, he has not socialized with any person. His only friend was a volleyball that he named Wilson. Chuck knew he could not stand to live any longer in the island that way. He would embark his mind into the unknown sea. He knew the only way out of the island was for him to leave, but how would he do it. As the time passed his appearance changed and he knew he had become stronger but also wiser, and he finally had understood why he was still alive and his purpose in this miserable world.
For his return he saw a (port potty) side door one day, and he visualizes how he could use that simple door into his ticket out of that island. He began to measure how long it would take him to build a simple boat. Chuck knew he would have to build it fast because he knew a certain season, would come and he would not be able to leave. The day comes and he sets sail with his friend Wilson. The sea almost made it impossible to make it out of the island. However, they both make it safe. Days pass and he soon realizes that he was fighting for his life again. In his remarkable journey he was saved by a ship at a right times notice.
Chuck made it back to civilization, the journey changed his life completely. Life was not the same when he came back. He soon realized that he would start in a new kind of journey. He found out the women he was doing to get married to was already married and with kids. Is seems that life would start all over with a new begging and a new journey or him. Now, the question into his new journey is what path he would take.

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